An exciting opportunity for migrant whānau (families) with children aged 0-2 has appeared!
Moving to a new country sure is difficult, new places with a different language, set of customs and traditions! This coffee club hosted by whānau āwhina (Plunket NZ) aims to just assist in this process.
"Come and connect with other parents new to New Zealand, form lasting friendships, and enjoy the support of health workers who will be present at some sessions to provide informative advice regarding your little one."
When & where:
- Every second Friday - Upper Hutt Library: 844 Fergusson Drive, Upper Hutt.
- Dates of coffee club:
- 1st of November
- 15th of November
- 29th of November
- 13th of December
- Time: 10:00am - 11:30am
- Optionally, you can bring food for your little ones.
No bookings required - but if you require more information please contact megan.fraser@plunket.org.nz
We will see you there!