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Wallaceville Community Open Day a huge success for Upper Hutt!

Wallaceville Community Open Day a huge success for Upper Hutt!

Main Image.

March 2nd, 2024.

It was a beautiful Saturday afternoon, and the mana cultivated with all the smiling faces and happy kids was priceless. 

Food and information stalls from local people and community organisations were propped up and ready to greet everyone who attended with a smile, reminding all of us about the support services avaliable in Upper Hutt - including Upper Hutt Multicultural Council. 

There was also a bouncy castle and some kids playing basketball - which was an incredible joy for many. 

But why this open day you might ask? 

Wallaceville is a growing suburb in Upper Hutt which has seen particularly growing migrant population settle here. Therefore, the purpose of this project is to break the ice with new residents, welcome them into the community and provide them with some information on what is happening in Upper Hutt and what support and services are available to them.

This event was originally planned to be held in early 2023, but had to be postponed due to weather conditions on both occasions. But we persisted! 

The idea for an open day came from a well-attended Community Meeting in August 2023, and has widespread support from other service providers and bodies in the community sector. Our hopes are to tackle any social isolation and provide an accessible and friendly pathway into the Upper Hutt community for newcomers. This is widely proven to improve mental health, family wellbeing and social integration.

 It was a huge success and something which reminded us once again, about the importance of connection. So when you are out and about, be sure to say hello to people and especially if you notice someone is a newcomer - moving to a new nation is difficult work. Be kind, greet them with a smile and exchange stories of life in Aotearoa, life abroad, and whatever joys you are experiencing (if you have time). 

After all, what is the most important thing in the world? He tangatahe tangatahe tangata.

(It is the people, it is the people, it is the people.)

Lastly, thank you to Police Commissioner Andrew Coster, Jane Braun and Sole Moyano from Upper Hutt City Council, as well as the team at Upper Hutt Multicultural Council - your enthusiasm was fantastic and made the day a great success for friends and whānau who attended!  

Ka rawe everyone! 





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